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Girls in Science Goes Virtual & Camp Resources Are Now Available

Girls in Science Goes Virtual & Camp
Resources Are Now Available

“The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something

we do not understand.” – Frank Herbert

The CoronaVirus has taken our existence by storm, engulfing us in a global pandemic that we largely do not understand. When given the choice to cancel this year’s Girls in Science camp, or continue with a virtual version, our team adapted to an online experience. We also realized this was an opportunity to diverge from our core camp topics, and dig into the science behind COVID-19. We collaborated with faculty and students in the Eastern Oregon University Chemistry, Biology, Math, and Computer Science departments to grow our students' knowledge of this virus.

“I learned more about how the coronavirus works and how to stay away from it.”

- Girls In Science student from La Grande Middle School

Middle school girls registered for Virtual Girls in Science were from the following schools in Eastern Oregon: Ontario, Baker, La Grande, Enterprise, Pendleton, Umatilla, Helix, North Powder, Hermiston, Wallowa, Cove and Union. Using a contact free method, students were sent supply boxes with all the camp resources needed to participate in the camp activities. Some of these activities included:

  • Building a Model of The CoronaVirus
  • Analyzing Virus Simulations
  • Learning How Viruses React To Soap
  • How to Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer
  • The Trajectory of Your Sneeze

Girls from camp posing with their Covid-19 models made from dots, styrofoam balls, and toothpicks.

Camp Director, Hailey Hulse, used her experience from the Virtual MedQuest Camp to transition Girls in Science to a completely virtual platform using Zoom and Google Classroom. “Due to the majority of the schools going virtual, the students were well- versed with using Google Classroom and Zoom. After much consideration, sticking to with what was familiar to the students ultimately aided in providing an engaging opportunity that everyone was able to take part in." said Hulse. With support from The American Chemical Society and Soroptomist Int'l of La Grande, at only $5.00 a seat, NEOAHEC was able to provide the opportunity to participate in hands on learning while still observing social distancing guidelines.

“I learned how to make a simulation and how to make hand sanitizer. It was great!”

- Girls in Science student from Sunridge Middle School

Resource Sharing

With capacity being limited for this year’s camp, each session was recorded, and will be available to teachers to use in their in-person or virtual classrooms. Our team believes that with COVID-19 cases surging across our region and affecting our friends, neighbors, schools, and hospitals, this resource could provide the power to educate the youth on something that we don’t fully understand.

“I learned that the corona virus has RNA instead of DNA. I also learned the difference between the two. Thank you guys for hosting the camp/class, it's been really fun.”

- Girls in Science student from La Grande Middle School

Accessing Camp Material

Girls in Science recordings are available for free! Sign up to receive a link by filling out the this short form: Click Here!

If you are an educator in Eastern Oregon interested in teaching the lessons to your students, but are unable to provide them with the supplies needed to complete the activities, please contact us at

“Something that I learned was antibodies don't actually kill the virus”

- Girls in Science student from Enterprise Middle School