Pathways to CTE Licensure: Apply by May 30th!
Pathways to CTE Licensure – Recruitment for new CTE Teachers
Teachers: Check out this opportunity to gain CTE licensure through PCC and the U.S. Dept. of Education!
Dates: Applications due May 30; cohort begins June 2019
Audience: Fully licensed teachers and industry professionals who are new to CTE teaching and who are working on completing professional development plans to gain a CTE teaching credential.
The Pathways to CTE Licensure program (US Department of education Grant) helps CTE teachers complete their licensure requirements through a 15-month cohort-based path in the following career areas: Advanced Manufacturing, Construction, Health Care, and Information Technology.
Professional development will target the following areas:
Support new CTE teachers to complete their Professional Development Plan (PDP) in 15 months
Provide mentoring support from an experienced CTE teacher
Provide a platform for connecting with other CTE teachers through the Summer Institutes and an online Mentoring Professional Learning Community (PLC) based on CTE field
Additional benefits:
Industry professionals can complete the Oregon Department of Education required classes for new CTE teachers through Portland Community College on-line courses as a cohort
Assistance in completing work experience hours for current teachers seeking a Licensed Conditional Assignment in CTE teaching.
Tuition-free class: Exploring CTE in Oregon – PCC student and technology fees do apply
25 PDU’s for successful completion of PLC – no cost to teacher or district
Lodging for Summer Institute available for participants outside Portland Metro area
Requirements for New CTE Teacher Applicants:
- Manufacturing, health, construction, or manufacturing career cluster areas
- Professional development plan identified
- Beginning CTE teacher; 0-2 years teaching in a CTE classroom
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